Application for the optimization of the design of a meshed network of drinking water with a genetic algorithm, based on an iterative type solution

  • Pedro Ramos De Santis Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
  • Johni Bustamante Romero Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral


One of the great social inequities in the world is the distribution of potable water; this paper presents an application that allows to optimize the distribution of such a precious resource, taking as reference a real locality of the Province of Guayas and through the use of real information obtained from the municipality, the principles of hydraulics and the application of a genetic algorithm, starting from an initial solution obtained by the Hardy-Cross method; an application is developed that allows the economic dimensioning of meshed networks of potable water, application that serves as the basis for the strategic planning of any decentralized autonomous government. 


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